In this site, I record my thoughts and explore strategies revolving around best practices and social justice in education.

My Experience as a Language Learner
My first blog post about my experiences in a Thai language classroom.

My Experience as a New Presenter
My very first presentation was at TESOL 2019 this year. It was a great experience showcasing what I know, but it didn’t come with a few challenges and uncertainties.

Thanks for visiting my site! I’m Justin, and my pronouns are they/them. I currently teach second grade in Frankfurt, Germany. I’ve been teaching for over a decade, and my experience has spanned across four unique countries and educational settings. I’m passionate about multilingual best practices and social justice in education.
Having Justin Co-Teach with us this year has greatly increased our collective teacher efficacy for 3rd Grade.
Justin’s ideas from his experience have helped support and enhance my own practice.